1. Pick Theme & Topic [Noah/Tyler]
2. Email Guest Author with request [Noah]
Noah requests/makes intro to Tyler
Include samples of effective past guest posts (Example 1 and Example 2)
Suggest general focus and request specific title
Suggest deadline
3. Confirm deadline, title, goal, and CTA. [Tyler]
Decide on Goal (Readers will be able to do X after reading)
Define CTA
4. Writing Process [Tyler/Guest]
Tyler creates, titles, shares Google Document with Guest/Noah
Send Guiding Questions to guest author
Guest writes post with occasional check-ins from Tyler/Noah
5. Review Post on Deadline Day [Noah]
Noah/Tyler review guiding questions together
Noah and Guest review the post
Guest makes changes and sends to Tyler
6. Upload and Build [Guest]
Set-up WordPress Login for Guest [Tyler]
Set as Collaborator & Email Login Information
Create Post and set guest as author
7. Thorough Review [Tyler]
Tyler checks for grammar/edits and links
Review Guiding Questions with guest
Tyler delivers final feedback to guest
8. Review Email Version [Tyler]
Check links
Upload to Litmus
Are images hosted on OkDork?
9. Launch
Okdork Broadcast sent 8am
Guest mentions on social media
Email/Tweet people//companies mentioned in post
10. Post-Launch
Guest responds to comments personally
Guest sends broadcast to his own list