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My brother’s wife’s 2004 Hyundai Elantra is Amazing – $2500 (Gilbert, AZ)

2004 hyundai elantra odometer: 109000 automatic transmission title : clean

While I was getting out of the shower today my brother asked me to post this Craigslist ad to sell his wife’s car.My normal salary is $120,000 so I don’t really do a lot of tasks like this. Most of the times I’d ask my assistant Staci to take care of doing this but I figure I’ll let her enjoy her Saturday.Anywho, my brother’s wife is pregnant and they bought a sick new 2013 Honda Civic (hello boring baby parents time). You can see it if you come by and buy this car. So this car has to go 🙁

She’s owned this car since college. Some would say she’s a rather “boring” driver so you know this car hasn’t been lowered or in high speed pursuits.

In case you’re wondering, my brother’s wife is NOT included with this car.

Things that ARE included with this car:
1- power door locks
2- 4 doors
3- tinted windows
4- ONLY 109,000 miles on this baby and you know Koreans make reliable cars (right?)
5- car freshener (I have to confirm she’s okay including this because it smells REALLY good)
6- Overall it drives well but it’s not in mint condition.

If you include the color of my toe nails in your email we’ll knock $10 off the car.

Btw — If you enjoy reading this, sign up for my newsletter. It’s FREE, and I send out a short email with my BEST tips.

Yes, this is 100% legit and we’d love to sell this car this weekend. Please don’t offer trades for your Ferrari, we’d prefer green CASH (not weed) and NOT bitcoin (whatever the hell that is).

Feel free to email questions and ideally come buy the car so my brother can be impressed with my Craigslist skills.

  • Please DO contact me with unsolicited services or offers

And it sold!

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