Week 6: Get Vocal in Your Community
Looking for past lessons? Click here: Week 1 | Week 2 | Week 3 | Week 4 | Week 5
If you were an ecstasy dealer would you rather deal them at a rave or deal them at Whole Foods?
Trick question because it’s both. Kidding. It’s at a rave.
Work backwards from where your ideal customers already are.
With OkDork, I ask myself, “Where are marketers hanging out online?”
Answer: GrowthHackers.com (thanks Sean!) and Inbound.org (thanks Rand and Dharmesh).
They are in my bookmarks bar and I go to those sites several times a week.
Now, I have to be honest. I wanted OkDork to eventually be featured on those sites.
And now OkDork is regularly featured there. It wasn’t instant, I had to put work into it, and give back before I ever asked.
Here’s what I did:
a) Genuinely befriended people who write witty comments or submit great posts
b) Actively asked active members to review articles I’m working on
c) Click links, up vote and try to comment if applicable
Where does your group of customers hang out online or offline?
This week I want you to get active WHERE your ideal customers are.
Don’t go spamming your links all over the place!
Think of it like dating. You have to court them. Interact. Woo them. Impress them. Buy them at least 1 drink.
Only later can you then expect them to (maybe) give you a good night peck on the cheek.
Some places online that are good for this:
1- Facebook groups. You CAN search for them
2- Meetup.com
3- Reddit.com/r/{subreddits}
4- Hacker News
Activity Week 6: Go Vocal for a Week
1) Post a comment with the 1 place your customers are hanging out online.
(Go back to Week 2 if you haven’t defined your customer or know a number of sites where they spend time. BTW Facebook and Twitter don’t count. A specific group on Facebook DOES count.)
2) Do 1 valuable thing EVERY DAY to contribute to that group. Don’t ask for anything.
If this seems really simple…it is. But I can’t tell you how many people choose to be active in a group ONLY when they need something.
Don’t be that person and you’ll have better contacts, better customers, and a better business.
Schedule a 10 minute window every day to visit that site, read comments/posts, and add your own thoughts–make it valuable.
Noah & Tyler