Week 7

Week 7: Use Your Unused Assets

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John Corcoran wrote a great post on OkDork about “cold connecting” with VIPs a few weeks back.

Recently he and I were emailing about something…

I noticed that his email signature had a Fax # and a Q&A with a link to five/sentenc.es. I asked him, “Why do you need to include those?!”

Here’s what his signature looked like,

John H. Corcoran, Esq.

The Corcoran Law Firm, P.C.

24 Professional Center Parkway, Suite 240

San Rafael, CA 94903

Direct: (415) 935-1285

Fax: (415) 373-9260


blog: smartbusinessrevolution.com


Q: Why is this email five sentences or less?

A: http://five.sentenc.es


So after I made a few suggestions, he re-wrote his signature to this:

John H. Corcoran, Esq.

The Corcoran Law Firm, P.C.

24 Professional Center Parkway, Suite 240

San Rafael, CA 94903

Direct: (415) 935-1285

blog: Smart Business Revolution

download my free ebook, How to Increase Your Income Today by Building Relationships with Influencers, Even if you Hate Networking


This may seem trivial, but YOU personally email at least 25 people a day. Some do over 200+ people a day.

Multiply that by 30 days and you are reaching THOUSANDS of unique people a month.

Seems obvious but most marketers are looking for some new marketing method when they already have valuable assets available.

Update your signature!

Here’s how I use my signature:

Goes here, http://okdork.com/tasty

I had it off for awhile and turned it back on again and got almost 100 visits in one day.

More than 700 people have clicked and signed up to my newsletter through that link this year.

“Boring!,” you say?

The point is not just about email signatures but about utilizing assets you already have.

1) If you’re a restaurant, include a card with the check that asks for their email address. (Zenkichi in Brooklyn, NYC is great at this.)

2) Go through all your LinkedIn contacts to ask for a referral.

3) If you have receipts or emails your website sends, include links to your latest blog post or project.

4) Include a simple watermark or logo the pages or images you use in documents/giveaways.

5) If you have physical packaging, include your brand on the outside so others are aware of it.

Here’s 1 more example just to super extremely clarify this tactic.

AppSumo emails about 600k+ people twice a week.

Our #1 goal this year is to promote SumoMe.com.

So I’ve spent time writing guest posts, etc…

Yet, we didn’t include a place and link that all 600k+ people on our email list would notice SumoMe!

Doh! Now we do:

Make sure you are 100% utilizing your available assets. It might take time to discover exactly what those are.

Activity Week 7: Use Your Unused Assets

1- Update your email signature

2- Paste your email signature in comments!

Think about what other assets you have that you are under-utilizing.

Kick ass,

Noah & Tyler

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