Week 1

Week 1: Quant Based Marketing

A year ago, I was scootering around India.

I was trying to get back to my friend Susan’s place.

It was dark, late and I only had a vague idea of where I had to go.

It took me 45 minutes to get back.

Susan and me on the scooter in Goa, India 🙂 Check out that beard!

The next day, I looked up where my destination was and planned the route to get home.

Guess how long it took this time? 15 minutes.

3x faster just knowing where I wanted to go and planning it out.

Marketing is exactly the same.

Know where you want to go and work backwards to figure out the best way to get there.

To market something is essentially three things:

The WOW formula!

1- What problem are you solving?

2- Who is the customer for that problem?

3- Where are they?

That’s it. Nothing else matters. Queue Metallica.

Chances are that, at one point or another, you’ve been in a meeting related to customers, profit, or advertising without ever talking about WHAT problem you are solving, WHO the customer is, or WHERE the customer is.

Each week, I’m going to share a fun, short story and give you 1 actionable marketing task.

If you commit to doing the work, you will get the results you want.

This week we are going to help you plan out where you exactly want to be and the ways you think you can best get there over the next 12 weeks. 

Week 1 Task

1) Your Destination:

What 1 specific objective do you want to accomplish in 12 weeks?

Most people say 2 goals. Don’t
Most people aren’t specific. Don’t
Most people think too little about this. Don’t

Pick 1 exact thing you want to accomplish in 12 weeks (1000 email signups, 10,000 visitors to my blog, sell $500 of my product, etc)

Once you’ve completed this task, leave a comment here with where you want to be in 12 weeks. Go comment here now.

2) Your Route to Get There

Create your own Quant Based Marketing spreadsheet to hit the goal you figured out in #1

Here’s the exact Quant Based sheet I created at Mint that helped us get to 100,000 registered users within 1 month of launch.

Any time I launch a new product or business, I use a spreadsheet EXACTLY like this to plan my marketing. Over the course of the next 12 weeks, you’ll get better at fine tuning your QBM sheet.

If you’re new to marketing don’t be thrown by the word “Quant”. Just think “Number Based Marketing”. The entire idea (and the veterans out there know this) is to work backwards to the solution. Just like my scooter ride in India.

View and Download on Google Drive OR  Download it as Excel file here.

A) Write in your specific weekly goal for the next 12 weeks.

B) List out ALL the possible activities you can do to hit your goal.
Don’t hold back, write down everything. Once you’ve come up with every possible idea use this free PDF of the top 10 Major Marketing Channels to give you MORE ideas.

C) Write down the result you think you’ll get from each activity towards your goal.

D) The key thing is to make sure your totals for each action add up to your target goal

Here’s an example of someone trying to get 500 visitors:

Starting a blog: Traffic = 100 visitors
Write a Guest post: Traffic = 200 visitors
Reach out to influencers on Twitter: = 25 visitors
Post on LinkedIn Groups = 175 visitors

Total ========> 500 visitors

Bonus: For people who comment, get to work and get results, each week we’ll include success stories so you’ll get free exposure to over 15,000+ people.

Noah & Tyler

P.S. Remember, leave a comment below with where you want to be in 12 weeks.


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