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I bought Crypto

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I woke up this morning to snow in Austin, Texas.

Yes, snow. 🤯

I didn’t think that was possible, but, well… here we are.

While I was making snow angels 😀 , I realized it’s been a while since I’ve just shared what’s on my mind. Just raw thoughts, like the early days of blogging.

Lately, money has been top of mind. Money is such a wild concept – a human invention that impacts everyone. I love what money enables, but I’ve been thinking a lot about how we interact with it.

Recently my financial advisors (hi, Adam, he’ll read this) fired me. I didn’t want to pay the $100k fee. Since then, I’ve been diving back into managing my own finances and here’s what’s been top of mind…

Last night, I bought some Ethereum. Why? Because Donald Trump Jr. tweeted about it. (I know. Dumb move.) 

The next morning, it was up $30. I sold it and made a whopping $10 after fees. This little experiment made me reflect on my relationship with money.

I wasn’t investing. I was GAMBLING. It was fun and exhilarating – but it’s the same trap so many people fall for, thinking they’ll strike it rich.

This morning, I was pushing my daughter in her stroller and we passed the mini-market. I saw a construction worker walk out with lottery tickets. Same story. Hoping for easy money.

Gambling on money isn’t new, but lately, it feels like more people believe the fundamentals don’t apply anymore. They do. You can’t ignore the laws of nature.

Now, you can get rich gambling or day trading – but only if you have an advantage and treat it like a profession. It’s hard to win at a professional level if you’re playing like a hobbyist.

Getting rich is simple, not easy. It’s a sacrifice. Give up something TODAY, and you’ll have more TOMORROW.

That’s it. Sacrifice is the price of admission.

Preserving and growing your money?

That’s the boring part. I’ve been exploring tools like Kubera, HonestMath, and Frec to manage my finances. Also talking with wealthy friends like David Hauser (who sold Grasshopper for $200m). Since my days at Mint (rip) the amount of fin-tech is overwhelming and very promising. 

Here’s what I’m learning: Simplicity wins. Fewer accounts. Clearer goals. Automated systems. Complexity isn’t a badge of honor. It’s a TRAP.

In my 20s, I was obsessed with chasing every penny. I’d jump into anything that promised the gains. Today, I’m okay with a little less upside if it means my finances are simpler and my stress is lower.

For yourself – reflect on 

  1. What do you have an advantage in?
  2. What can you sacrifice today that in 10 years will help provide your ideal lifestyle?

The moral of the story? Make money doing something you’re great at – and then get boring af with your finances. It’s not flashy and probably won’t make you go viral on Instagram. But most often it’s the boring stuff that does the heavy lifting over time.


Rooting for you,

Noah 🌮

Ps. I’m looking for an assistant. Someone proactive, insanely detailed, and reliable. Basically, someone who’s better than AI. If you know someone, DM me on Twitter @NoahKagan. I’ll pay you $1,000 if your referral gets hired.

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