It’s over. 26.2 miles. Wow. I can barely walk and you were with me the whole time. It was funny. I was running and someone said it is nice you are running for all the people’s names on your shirt. That made me feel good for about a second until I went back to being in pain while finishing the run.

Check out the contest at the end of this post.
Thank you so much for all your comments and support. It was quite flattering and overwhelming. I feel like an 80 year old with a Hemorrhoid limping around. Quite Painful.
Things I learned while training for the marathon:
Consistency > Coming out of the gate fast makes you really tired after awhile. Pace yourself, run your own race and you will succeed.
Plan > Because I knew 3 months out what I needed to accomplish, this helped so many other parts of my life. I reduced my alcohol consumption significantly, I watched what I ate and I knew what I had to do to accomplish my goal. Really useful to plan.
Motivation > Have a purpose in what you are doing and let everyone know you are doing it. I wrote it online, I told all my friends and I knew it was something I personally wanted to accomplish at this point in my life. All those things really kept me going when I wanted to quit at mile 21.
Coach > Jenn was great in helping me plan out my schedule from the beginning. Having someone with experience really made a difference. This goes for everything in life.
The End Matters Most > Anybody can start a marathon but can you finish it off. I was really surprised to see people walk the last 1/2 mile of the race. Guess what I was doing? Running my ass off like a crazy man. My mom always says you forget how hard you ran once it is over.
Effort > I have always thought I am not that smart. You knew that;) Anyways, the only difference between me and some people is effort. I did it. Wow, this post feels cocky but it shouldn’t come off that way. I want you to go do it. A marathon, new job, new restaurant, relationship, experience, anything; the difference between talking and doing is huge.
I am still overwhelmed with all the positive responses I got from you guys/girls. Thank you so much!
CONTEST: Guess what my marathon time was and you get the Okdork Team shirt above, unwashed=)
Bonus: The 5 closest people after the winner will get a Community Next T-shirt with a sharpie.
47 responses to “We Ran the Marathon!”
2weeks 1 day
Thanks for the Shirt. The only thing that could have been better, is if I could have been there!
Way to go Noah! I’m super proud of you PIMP!! Walk backwards down the stairs – it hurts less.
Note: I am sorry if everyones name is not on the shirt. Most of them I got after I already started running. I will post something earlier next time;)
Here are some photos from my run,
My time was: 4:58:13.0 (Yes, I am slow and fat;) )
Winner of my sweaty t-shirt is: Mike Rishworth
Winners of Community Next + Sharpie shirts are:
Andrew F
Jason H
Stephen Pitts
Congrats! Sorry I missed the chance to win an unwashed tee, thank goodness I made my own tee 😉
Congratulations. I’m guessing 4hour 23minutes.
wow, and you didn’t seem to be limping hardly a bit today!
quite impressive. respect 🙂
Time doesn’t matter. A friend used to tell me “a good runner never stops” … I still follow that whenever I’m running ;p
Woo, I’m on your shirt! Hah, thanks!
Mummy is soo proud.
Eight hours and eighty eight minutes minus four hours and forty four minutes…
I’ll get my coat!
Yikes, I am sore for ya! Congrats though!
You do know the original marathon runner died, right?
First marathon:
I am guessing 5 hours, 26 minutes, 12 seconds, 18 nanoseconds.
5 hours, 14 minutes, 24 seconds
8 hours you freaking slow poke.
Good job buddy! Called you last night, but couldn’t get through. Glad you finished 26 mutha f’n miles… My goodness. When I finish 2 miles with out falling over and feeling like I am going to pass out until Sunday I will call you. Take it easy bro. And my guess is… 4hours 15 min.a
Not just a marathon, Noah has run 245mi in the last 4 months.
That’s like from Facebook/Palo Alto to Reno, NV.
4:59, stud.
Congrats dude, I’m proud of ya.
3 hours 55 minutes
3 hrs 49 min
mmmmm…..60 minutes
oh! wait! what are we talking about again?
ha! running, right
One hour
Twenty minutes
Five seconds
That’s how much Noah rocks.
Great Job! Amazing! I can;t even imagine that far walking or running, so I’m saying 4 Hours, 33 minutes and 33 seconds. Good Luck everyone!
Noah — great job. It’s awesome that you ran the last 1/2 mile, that’s the way to finish it!
I will have to guess, since my name is on the shirt:
I look forward to the results.
3:57:02 – i want the shirt!!!!
…..andre, if you win then send it my way!!!! (fyi…yes, i’m his stalker) hahhaaaha
I knew 1 or 2 of my readers would be smart enough to check out the website for my time. Glad I have a few smart ones=P
Oh, shit, mike beat me to it!
Ummm, let me see, I think I’ll guess 4 hours, 58 minutes and 13 seconds. Is that close?
Congrats, man!
that is disgusting. please wash it first. GOOO NOAH!!!
Dude, noooooooooooooooo, you save that shirt forever. And cotton, how are your nipples? 4:58:13
How do you feel about your time?
Consistency, Plan, Motivation, Coach, The End Matters Most, Effort… Goal?
Congrats Noah!
Well done Noah
BIG Congrats 🙂
5:00:00 is my guess
My hero!
3:57:01 – You can keep the shirt 🙂
Wow man. I wish i had the will to run even 1 mile. I think your post just gave me the motivation i needed to go home and start running again. I’m just not so happy to hear you had to reduce alcohol consumption.
As far as your time, I’m gonna have to say 4 hours 20 minutes. When is the next marathon BTW?
Good job. 4 hours 03 minutes and 26 seconds.
I dont see my name on the shirt though! i feel cheated. for that, im only gonna recommend ur site to 6000 new readers and not 20,000 as planned.
Sickmatic job Noah. Keep going bro. Sometimes the hardest part is to follow up a big accomplishment like this. Will you be able to follow this up and continue all 6 bolded points above? 😉
3 hours and 40 minutes?
Congratulations! It’s funny how much you can learn from running twenty six miles. It hurts like hell afterwards but the emotional buzz makes up for it.
Good job Noah!
I’m going with 4 hours 12 minutes.
Congrats amigo. I’m impressed. 26 miles? I’d say 4 hours and 5 minutes.
Will, Next year? haha. Will see. I was thinking about doing this every 25 years=)
Congrats on surviving to fight another day! Sorry I did not make a post in time to get on the shirt, but there is always next year, right? 🙂
I am guessing that you made it in at 3 hours 56 minutes.
Congrats =) Are you going to stick to your new health plan despite the marathon being over?
Every so often, you write something that motivates me to try and work even harder than I am. “Effort” was a great blurb because it reminded me that I’m not at my height of effort and that’s not fair to myself or what I’m doing. Thanks for always being such an inspiration, Noah.
Now go get a massage or soak in a warm bath!
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Congrats Noah! I’m going to say Three Hours and 22 minutes.